Privacy Policy
Abc Games
v  Your Personal identifiable information
Your privacy is important to Abc Games. Sometimes we need information to provide services that you request; this privacy statement applies to Abc Games  Apps and its products.
v  Location
Our App doesn’t collect precise information about the location of your mobile device.
v  Sharing
 We generally do not collect or share personally identifiable information (such as name, address, email or phone) with other companies.
v    Read your text messages (SMS or MMS)
We do not save or upload your messages. We use this permission to read your text messages when you search messages in search bar or announce the sender name while some one send you a message.
v  Read phone status and identity
This permission allows  Abc Games  to recognize an incoming call and to switch between the User System interfaces and call interface.
v  Read your contacts
We do not save or upload your contacts. Permission to access contact information is used when required.
v  View network connections
This permission is used in settings and notification toolbar, in order to view network connections.
v   View Wi-Fi connections
This permission is used in settings and notification toolbar, in order to view Wi-Fi connections.
v  Measure app storage space
This permission is used to acquire the amount of storage space used by an application.
v  Children's Privacy
 We are committed to protecting the privacy of children. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13.
v  Sharing
We generally do not share personally identifiable information (such as name, address, email or phone) with other companies unless approved by you.
v  Ad Tracking
Ad companies may use and collect anonymous data about your interests to customize content and advertising here and in other sites and applications. Interest and location data may be linked to your device, but is not linked to your identity. Click to see company privacy policies and opt-out choices:

- Google:
- AdMob & AdSense:
v  Contact
If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policies, please contact us:
- Email:-


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